First Year Review
Como parte del programa de MFA de la Universidad de California en San Diego, requiere que el primer año en curso se realice un show por el estudiante llamado First Year Review.
Estrada hizo su first Year Review en mayo de 2018 en colaboración con Rancho Shampoo y la Indian Dub Orchestra compuesta por Rubén Alonso Tamayo, Julián González, Rodo Ibarra, Hernan Franco, Polo Vega y David Bautista Toledo en el que presentaban su nuevo material discográfico "Detrás del Comos" título que lleva la exhibición
Además tuvo como invitados a Valentin Torres a.k.a Mother Blood y a Tim Cuero quién se encargó de activar el espacio en el que se presentaban con un canto Kumiai llamado Triple Step.
As part of the MFA program at the University of California, San Diego requires that the first year in progress put a show by the student called First Year Review.
Estrada made his first Year Review in May 2018 in collaboration with Rancho Shampoo and the Indian Dub Orchestra composed by Rubén Alonso Tamayo, Julián González, Rodo Ibarra, Hernan Franco, Polo Vega and David Bautista Toledo in which they presented their new record material " Behind the Comos " title bearing the exhibition
He also had as guests Valentin Torres a.k.a Mother Blood and Tim Cuero who was responsible for activating the space in which they performed with a Kumiai song called Triple Step.